Mrs. Satcher's First Grade Class

"Learn the True, Do the Good, Love the Beautiful"

Family & Student Handbook

Student Handbook

First Grade Supply List

2018-2019 Supply List


Our Schedule

* Please note, we follow a different schedule on Wednesday because every Wednesday is early dismissal at 1 pm. 

8:00-8:40 Literature

8:40-9:10 Morning Recess

9:10-10:00 Phonics & Spelling

10:00-10:45 Geography/ History

10:50-11:20 Lunch

11:20-11:40 Afternoon Recess

11:40-12:20 Math

12:20-12:50 Grammar

12:50-1:30 Science

1:30-2:10 Smart Block

2:10-3:00 Resource

Snack Time

First grade will not have snack time this year because we have an early lunch. Our lunch time on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays is 10:50 AM. 



Classroom Rules

1. Listen when your teacher is talking. 

2. Raise your hand to speak. 

3. Follow directions quickly. 

4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 

5. Be safe, be kind, be respectful, and be honest. 


First graders will follow a regular homework routine which includes:

  • Memorizing poetry
  • Reading aloud to a parent
  • Practice memorizing math facts. Timed speed tests will be given every Friday and will increase in difficulty as we proceed through the year so it is imperative your child is practicing addition and subtraction facts nightly.